Lili, la petite grenouille - Niveau 2 - Cahier de lecture

Publisher: CLE International

ISBN: 9782090335446

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Rs. 1,380.00 Rs. 1,410.00 1,380.00
  • Author : Agnès Malfettes-Wittmann, Sylvie Meyer-Dreux
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9782090335446
  • Language :  French
  • Level : Débutants
  • Market : Young children 
  • Pages : 48
  • Publisher : Clé international
  • Publishing Date : June 2003
  • Series : Lili 
  • Size : 21 x 0.5 x 29.8 cm
  • Subtitle : workbook
  • Subject : French
  • Weight : 162g

Reading notebook in the Lili the little frog collection , French as a foreign language (FLE) method for children, level 2.

In this notebook, it is not a question of "reading" as it can be set up in the mother tongue, but rather of sensitizing the pupils to the organization of the writing of the oral language that they are beginning to hear, understand, reproduce and use.

The writing is presented:

  • in context by repeating the work already done orally to ensure understanding and inclusion of the approach in making sense of the information,
  • from the texts of the album but also from the main elements of the cassette (dialogues, songs...) with a selection allowing the resumption of an implicit work of grammar (gender, number, personal pronouns, adjectives, verbs, words invariable...),
  • in a structured way, therefore identical in each double page of each unit, the presentation corresponding to the different phases of the approach.
  • with markers:
    - the same organization on a double page corresponds to those of the album and the oral activity book, therefore to a unit,
    - logos for read , remember , laugh ,
    - a color to put highlight the studied sound and its place in the proposed words, the new classified words to remember.