Lili, la petite grenouille - Niveau 2 - Cahier de lecture-écriture

Publisher: CLE International

ISBN: 9782090335453

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Rs. 1,250.00 Rs. 1,280.00 1,250.00
  • Author : Agnès Malfettes-Wittmann, Sylvie Meyer-Dreux
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9782090335453
  • Language : French
  • Level : Débutants
  • Market : Young children
  • Pages : 48 
  • Publisher : Clé international
  • Publishing Date : June 2003
  • Series : Lili
  • Size :  21.2 x 0.5 x 29.9 cm
  • Subtitle : Workbook 
  • Subject : French
  • Weight : 151g

Reading-writing notebook in the Lili the little frog collection , French as a foreign language (FLE) method for children, level 2.

This work corresponds to a phase of reinvestment and reuse. The teacher will choose to have it used gradually or at the end of the unit after the reading booklet.

It includes different types of exercises corresponding to the objectives and work phases contained in the reading booklet.

His presentation follows that of the oral activity book with:

  • a double page repeating the double page corresponding to that of the reading booklet, therefore to one unit,
  • the necessary equipment illustrated,
  • the logos of the instructions accompanied by the written instruction.