Product Details
- Author: Lionel Favier, Soizic Pélissier, Rose-Marie Chaves
- Binding: PAPERBACK
- ISBN-10: 2706116978
- ISBN-13: 9782706116971
- Language: FRENCH
- Pages: 116
- Publisher: FLE PUG
- Publishing Date: june 28, 2012
- Subtitle: L'Interculturel
- Subject: FRENCH
- Weight : 400g
About The Book
Interculturality is at the center of all debates, whether educational or political. In the era of globalization, it is first in the classroom, a place of teaching and learning but also a place of exchange, that identity is built. The meeting of cultures, sharing, as well as the misunderstandings and misunderstandings that result from them are strong moments in the life of the teacher and the learner. Considering interculturality as a structuring and founding process, this work provides tools to make these moments sources of educational richness. It is articulated around three main axes. The first explains the key concepts and notions related to interculturality, the second highlights the means to overcome the obstacles to intercultural encounter, and the last, purely practical, proposes various intercultural exchange projects. The training sheets that adorn the book lead the learner to be an actor of the intercultural encounter by the discovery of the other, the decentration and the relativization of his point of view and his culture.

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