Ma première mythologie

Publisher: Hatier

ISBN: 9782401050532

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Rs. 1,620.00 Rs. 1,650.00 1,620.00

Product Details

      • Author : Sophie Le Callennec
      • Binding : Paperback
      • ISBN-13 : 9782401050532
      • Language : French
      • Pages : 159
      • Publisher : Hatier 
      • Publishing Date : 01/07/2020
      • Series : Bescherelle
      • Size : 23.7cm × 25.8cm × 1.8cm
      • Subject: French
      • Weight : 709g

      About The Book 

      A highly illustrated reference work on mythology. A living story to know the main myths (Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Nordic mythologies). For children from 8 years old.