Mosaik Der Alphabetisierungskurs Kursbuch

Publisher: Cornelsen

ISBN: 9783464209493

Availability:In stock

Rs. 1,960.00 Rs. 2,060.00 1,960.00

Product Details

    • Author:  Knechtel, Inge
    • Binding: PAPERBACK
    • ISBN-13: 9783464209493
    • Language: German 
    • Level: Beginners
    • Publisher: Cornelsen 
    • Publishing Date: Jan 2008
    • Subtitle: Class book
    • Size : 210 x 302 x 12mm
    • Subject: German
    • Weight : 508 gm

    About The Book

    Mosaic is a systematic and compact guide to literacy courses. The book prepares the DaF language course and is aimed at learners who have deficits in dealing with the Latin alphabet. The letters and sounds are introduced one after the other; In addition to individual sounds, users also learn about connections that are not true to the sound (e.g. ie or ei) and other special features.