Objetivo DELE A2

Publisher: SGEL

ISBN: 9788417730062

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Rs. 2,330.00 Rs. 2,360.00 2,330.00
  • Author : Celia Díaz Fernández , Piedad Zurita Sáenz de Navarrete 
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9788417730062
  • Language : Spanish
  • Pages : 144 
  • Publisher : S.G.E.L.
  • Publishing Date : February 2020
  • Series : Objetivo DELE A2
  • Size : 11.22 x 3.54 x 8.27
  • Subject : Spanish
  • Weight : 425g

New edition of Objective DELE A2, adapted to the new Cervantes Institute exams (2020). Aimed at young people and adults of levels A2 of the CEFR. Preparatory course for the DELE 2 exam. It is an essential tool to prepare the student who wants to take the DELE A2 exam. It includes exam models that reproduce the tests of the Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language. Adapted to the new exams proposed by the Cervantes Institute from 2020. It is the appropriate manual for the preparation of this exam because it contains 6 thematic units that work with different lexical fields. Each unit is a full exam. It offers general tips that provide useful knowledge for carrying out tasks. It contains a key with a brief justification of the correct answers offered. Includes audio transcripts. It offers the possibility of downloading the audios with the recordings that accompany the oral comprehension tests. On the web: Downloadable audios and a sample unit