Panorama A1 Gesamtband Kursbuch Kursleiterfassung

Publisher: Cornelsen

ISBN: 9783061205591

Availability:In stock

Rs. 3,050.00 Rs. 3,080.00 3,050.00
  • Author : Falch, Bernhard; Finster, Andrea; Jin, Friederike; Paar-Grünbichler, Verena; Winzer-Kiontke, Britta
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9783061205591
  • Level : A1
  • Language : German
  • Market : Adolescent/Adult
  • Pages : 212
  • Publisher : Cornelsen 
  • Publishing Date : Sep 2016
  • Size :  210 x 297 x 10mm
  • Series : Panorama
  • Subject : German
  • Weight : 630 gm

 Course book - course leader registration

The course guide version of the course book makes it easier for you to prepare for lessons. Here you will find all the materials you need for your lessons: the complete course book, small-step didactic comments on the course book tasks as well as tips for communicative and learner-oriented teaching. The comments are arranged and contained around the scaled-down course book pages

  • an overview of the required materials, text types and conveyed strategies,
  • Notes on internal differentiation,
  • Suggestions for alternative approaches,
  • Suggestions for in-depth and playful tasks,
  • Tips on using digital media and master copies,
  • Marking of the new vocabulary and the new structures directly in the texts,
  • Solutions (shown on the course book pages or as example solutions in the comments),
  • regional background information.