Panorama B1 Übungsbuch DaF Mit PagePlayer-App inkl. Audios

Publisher: Cornelsen

ISBN: 9783061204792

Availability:In stock

Rs. 1,660.00 Rs. 1,740.00 1,660.00

Product Details

      • Author : Bajerski, Nadja; Dusemund-Brackhahn, Carmen; Finster, Andrea; Giersberg, Dagmar; Winzer-Kiontke, Britta
      • Binding: Paperback
      • ISBN-13: 9783061204792
      • Level: B1
      • Language: German
      • Market: Adolescent/Adult
      • Pages: 272
      • Publisher: Cornelsen 
      • Publishing Date: Dec 2017
      • Size : 210 x 297 x 17mm
      • Series: Panorama
      • Subject: Workbook
      • Weight: 803 gm

      About The Book 

      You can play the audios for the exercise book using the free Cornelsen PagePlayer app or stream and download them in the web codes at