Panorama B1 Gesamtband Testheft B1 Mit Hör-CD

Publisher: Cornelsen

ISBN: 9783061205287

Availability:In stock

Rs. 1,950.00 Rs. 1,980.00 1,950.00

Product Details

          • Author : Anielski, Maren; Finster, Andrea; Paar-Grünbichler, Verena; Pasemann, Nelli
          • Binding : Paperback
          • ISBN-13 : 9783061205287
          • Level : B1
          • Language : German
          • Market : Adolescent/Adult
          • Pages : 80
          • Publisher : Cornelsen 
          • Publishing Date : February ,2018
          • Series : Panorama
          • Subject : German
          • Weight : 272 gm

          About The Book 

          Test booklets with audio CD

          The test books help to objectively check the learning progress of your course participants and to prepare them for the exams Start Deutsch 1 , Start Deutsch 2 or the B1 certificates . The accompanying audio CD contains the texts for all listening comprehension exercises.