Pluspunkt Deutsch A2 Leben in Deutschland Schülerbuch Mit Audios online

Publisher: Cornelsen

ISBN: 9783065209311

Availability:In stock

Rs. 2,313.00 Rs. 2,343.00 2,313.00

Product Details

      • Author : Jin, Friederike; Schote, Joachim
      • Binding:  Paperback
      • ISBN-13: 9783065209311
      • Level: A2
      • Language: German
      • Market: Adolescent/Adult
      • Page: 232
      • Publisher: Cornelsen 
      • Publishing Date: Sep 2017
      • Series: Pluspunkte 
      • Size : 213 x 297 x 15mm
      • Subject: German
      • Weight: 686 GM

      About The Book 

      The student book comprises 14 units, each with ten pages and four stations. In the learning sequences, the learners can gradually formulate their intentions for action in school and extracurricular contexts, orally and in writing, in an increasingly differentiated manner. The content-related work concludes in A1 with tasks from multilingual didactics. In A2, the tasks alternate with instructions on important work techniques and methods. There are thematically appropriate phonetic exercises in the appendix for all units.

      The pluses

      • Target group-specific speaking and writing events as well as listening and reading tasks
      • Systematic development of the four skills for school, everyday life and work
      • Automation of important expressions and grammatical structures in dialogue training
      • Teaching of educational language skills and preparation for specialist lessons
      • Image-based vocabulary work
      • Comprehensive range of exercises and differentiation in the workbooks and handouts for teaching
      • Clear explanations of the operators
      • Consideration of multilingualism