Pluspunkt Deutsch B1 Teilband 1 Arbeitsbuch mit Lösungsbeileger und Audio-CD (Ausgabe 2009)

Publisher: Cornelsen

ISBN: 9783060243204

Availability:In stock

Rs. 1,240.00 Rs. 1,300.00 1,240.00

Product Details

      • Author : Schote, Joachim
      • Binding :  Paperback
      • ISBN-13 : 9783060243204
      • Level : B1
      • Language : German
      • Market : Adolescent/Adult
      • Page : 84
      • Publisher : Cornelsen 
      • Publishing Date :  Jan 2011
      • Series : Pluspunkte 
      • Size :  212 x 300 x 9mm
      • Subject : German
      • Weight : 326 gm

      About The Book 

      The workbooks

      with inserted audio CDs contain an extensive range of exercises.

      The appendix contains grammar cards for playful repetition of important structures.