Pluspunkt Deutsch A1 Leben in Österreich Kursbuch mit Audios und Videos online

Publisher: Cornelsen

ISBN: 9783065209731

Availability:In stock

Rs. 2,060.00 Rs. 2,090.00 2,060.00

Product Details

      • Author : Jin, Friederike; Schote, Joachim
      • Binding:  Paperback
      • ISBN-13: 9783065209731
      • Level: A1
      • Language: German
      • Market: Adolescent/Adult
      • Page: 248
      • Publisher: Cornelsen 
      • Publishing Date: Mar 2017
      • Series: Pluspunkte 
      • Size : 210 x 297 x 20mm
      • Subject: German
      • Weight: 742 GM

      About The Book 

      Course books with video episodes as MP4 download

      The videos show everyday situations in Austria in humorous scenes. They can be used both in class and in self-study phases.