Prima plus B1 Arbeitsbuch mit CD-ROM Mit interaktiven Übungen auf

Publisher: Cornelsen

ISBN: 9783061206543

Availability:In stock

Rs. 1,760.00 Rs. 1,790.00 1,760.00

Product Details

    • Author : Kunze, Elisabeth; Muckenthaler, Franziska; Westphal, Judith
    • Binding : Paperback
    • Edition : Complete volume
    • ISBN-13 : 9783061206543
    • Level : B1
    • Language : German
    • Market :  Ages 11-14
    • Page : 136
    • Publisher : Cornelsen 
    • Publishing Date :  Nov 2016
    • Size : 207 x 297 x 12mm
    • Series : Prima plus 
    • Subject : German
    • Weight : 438 gm

    About The Book

    The workbooks

    • They are set up in parallel to the student books: the exercise offer under the same number in the workbook fits every learning section in the student book.
    • The enclosed CD-ROMs contain the listening texts as well as additional interactive exercises on vocabulary, grammar and reading comprehension.