Réussir Ses Études D'Économie-Gestion En Français - B1-C2
Product Details
- Author: Chantal Parpette, Julie Stauber
- Binding: PAPERBACK
- ISBN-10: 2706118482
- ISBN-13: 9782706118487
- Language: FRENCH
- Level: B1-C2
- Pages: 160
- Publisher: FLE PUG
- Publishing Date: january 30, 2014
- Subtitle: Réussir ses études
- Subject: FRENCH
- Weight : 500g
About The Book
For a foreign student, carrying out a bachelor's degree in France or in a French-speaking country represents a triple challenge: understanding the functioning of higher education, mastering the discourses of the discipline, and appropriating the methodology of university activities. Specially designed to meet these objectives, Succeeding in economics and management studies in French, accessible from CEFR level B1, offers a variety of teaching sequences that students will choose according to their needs. Through four essential chapters (preparing for integration into university, understanding lessons, writing academic papers and giving a presentation) organized around video documents and written documents, the teaching sequences offer interviews with teachers and students, course excerpts, exam subjects analyzed and treated, economic writings in connection with the courses and with economic news. Transcriptions and corrections complete the sequences and allow the use of the work in progress, in addition to the course, or independently. The book - manual and DVD-Rom - aims to provide students with the necessary keys to register with a view to successful completion of their license.

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