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- Russkaja Kul'tura: Dialog so Vremenem: Russian Culture: Dialogue with the Time + CD
Russkaja Kul'tura: Dialog so Vremenem: Russian Culture: Dialogue with the Time + CD
- Author: N M Razinkina ,N V Moshchinskaia
- Binding: Paperback
- ISBN-13: 9785883372826
- Level : B1
- Language: Russian
- Market : Adolescent/Adult
- Pages: 416
- Publisher: Russkij yazy'k.Kursy'
- Publishing Date : August 2015
- Series : Russkaja Kul'tura: Dialog so Vremenem
- Subtitle : Russian Culture: Dialogue with the Time + CD
- Weight : 575 gm
The manual is aimed at foreign students learning Russian at level B1-B2 of the CEFR, and also can be helpful to schoolchildren in Russia and abroad.
The texts in the book introduce the students to the most famous and important figures in the Russian culture, which despite its identity and unique nature is represented within the context of the world culture as its integral part. The texts and illustrations are specifically selected to demonstrate the Russian national character, reflected in the cultural artefacts.
The distinctive characteristic of the manual is the structure of the material: all the questions, tasks, tables and schemes are based on the comparison of the Russian cultural elements to the elements of the other nations' cultures. The book helps to develop and practice all kinds of the language skills: reading, speaking, writing and listening. The key words and phrases are translated into English. The book comes along with a CD, that includes illustrations to the texts, audio tasks, audio texts and authentic texts on certain topics in English as well.

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