Studio [21] A2 Teilband 1 Kurs- und Übungsbuch

Publisher: Cornelsen

ISBN: 9783065205870

Availability:In stock

Rs. 2,060.00 Rs. 2,090.00 2,060.00

Product Details

    • Author: Funk, Hermann; Kuhn, Christina
    • Binding: PAPERBACK
    • ISBN-13: 9783065205870
    • Language:  German
    • Level:  A2.1
    • Pages: 156 
    • Publisher: Cornelsen 
    • Publishing Date: Jul 2014
    • Size : 213 x 297 x 12mm 
    • Subtitle: Course and exercise book
    • Subject: German
    • Weight : 499 gm

    About The Book

    You can easily download all accompanying materials such as audios or interactive exercises at

    The course and exercise book contains a printed license code for free activation of the e-book on

    Studio [21] is characterized by

    • Topics and texts that motivate
    • task-oriented learning and active language behavior,
    • extensive listening and pronunciation training,
    • systematic teaching of vocabulary and training of word connections,
    • German for everyday life and work,
    • current regional studies with an intercultural perspective,
    • exam-related model tests.