Synchronie 1 Book With Cd

Publisher: Goyal Publishers

ISBN: 9788191089424

Availability:In stock

Rs. 260.00 Rs. 295.00 260.00

Author: Rajeswari Chanderasekar, Rekha Hangal, Chitra Krishnan, Claude Le Ninan
ISBN-10: 8187572027
ISBN-13: 9788191089424
Language:  FRENCH
Level:   1
Publisher: Hachette
Publishing Date: 01-02-2011
Subtitle: Textbook
Subject: FRENCH

A Voter Service is a method created for Indian students who are complete beginners in French and who wish to Communicate with a French speaking clientele particularly in the Tourism and Hotel Management field. These beginner's could either be students of institute of Hotel management or similar scholastic establishment or even professionals in the field.