Tout va bien! - Niveau 3 – Livre de l'élève

Publisher: CLE International

ISBN: 9782090352979

Availability:In stock

Rs. 2,880.00 Rs. 2,910.00 2,880.00
  • Author : Hélène Augé, Maria Dolores Canada-Pujols, Claire Marlhens, Llucia Martin
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9782090352979
  • Language :  French
  • Pages : 184
  • Publisher : Clé international
  • Publishing Date : December 2005
  • Series : Tout va bien! 
  • Size :  21.2 x 1 x 28.6 cm
  • Subtitle : textbook 
  • Subject : French
  • Weight : 517g

Student's book in the Tout va bien! , method of French as a foreign language (FLE) for older adolescents and adults, level 3.

Everything is fine ! propose :

  • Authentic or close to authentic media and communication situations, allowing the student to become aware of the different registers and to discover certain aspects of French-speaking culture as well as the language
  • Numerous activities aimed at the acquisition of the four communication skills and the use of specific strategies
  • Work on the grammar and vocabulary associated with the situations and the service of communication giving a large place to observation and reflection A regular invitation to evaluation, to work independently and to self-evaluation.

Everything is fine ! 3 whose objectives scrupulously respect the recommendations of the CEFR also offers a portfolio included in the student's book to reach level B2.

The method proposes a rigorous and systematic work which relates either to an isolated skill, or to several simultaneously. Through this work, the learner creates his own strategies of comprehension and expression. The diversity of strategies and ways of learning are widely taken into account in the method with specific headings throughout the activities.

Everything is fine ! 3 systematically continues the progression started in Tout va bien! 1 and 2 . The method offers rigorous and regular work that focuses either on an isolated skill or on several simultaneously. The written language acquires a very important role and the media (radio and press) are recurring supports. Thanks to its supports, the learner can develop his own comprehension and expression strategies.

The included portfolio has three parts: the personal biography, the linguistic diagnosis, as well as the communication assessments of the method. It serves to:

  • become aware of their individual journey by skills;
  • certify their linguistic profile.