Trait d'union 1 - Niveaux A1.1/A1 - Cahier de lecture

Publisher: CLE International

ISBN: 9782090331677

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Rs. 1,570.00 Rs. 1,600.00 1,570.00
  • Author : Hervé Adami
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9782090331677
  • Language :  French
  • Level : A1.1/A1
  • Pages : 96
  • Publisher : Clé international
  • Publishing Date : July 2004
  • Series : Trait d'union 1 
  • Size :  19.6 x 0.8 x 27.6 cm
  • Subtitle : Reading book
  • Subject : French
  • Weight : 227g

Reading notebook in the Trait d'union collection , French language integration method (FLI) for older adolescents and adults, level 1 (A1.1/A1).

This workbook offers adult learners who are new to reading and the trainers responsible for this audience, activities and exercises to establish their first contact with writing.

It is designed on the basis of modules independent of each other, but which follow a filigree progression. The first exercises concern learners who are beginning a pre-literacy process and who are discovering the world of writing. The last exercises, on the other hand, concern learners who are already in a post-literacy process: they progress towards fine reading.

This booklet is primarily intended for migrants with little or no schooling but also for French-speaking learners in a situation of illiteracy. However, if certain exercises can be done indifferently by one or the other, they cannot be situated at all in the same didactic approach: non-French-speaking migrants are part of a process of learning the French language, written and oral, while French speakers are part of a process of relearning, of refamiliarization with the writing of their own language.

The exercises proposed in this manual are all activities to raise awareness, to discover writing and its way of representing the reality of the language and the world around us.