Trait d'union 2 - Niveau A2 - Livre de l'élève

Publisher: CLE International

ISBN: 9782090331707

Availability:In stock

Rs. 2,450.00 Rs. 2,480.00 2,450.00
  • Author : Hervé Adami, Sophie Etienne, Nathalie Guiganti, Thomas Iglesis, Laeticia Poinsot
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9782090331707
  • Language :  French
  • Pages : 128
  • Publisher : Clé international
  • Publishing Date :
  • Series : Trait d'union 2
  • Size :  19.6 x 0.8 x 27.5 cm
  • Subtitle : textbook 
  • Subject : French
  • Weight : 318g

Student's book in the Trait d'union collection, French language integration method (FLI) for older adolescents and adults, level 2 (A2).

Trait d'union 2 is mainly aimed at acquiring oral and written communication skills. He bets on realism , through dialogues, documents, themes in direct contact with the linguistic reality experienced by migrants in France.

The methodological clarity makes it possible to work on the four skills separately because the cognitive processes implemented by the learners are very different or because the social situations of oral and written communication are not at all the same.

Hyphen 2 aims to enable learners to understand and be understoodin French in everyday communication situations.

Each of the 12 units of the book are composed of the sequences "Listening", "Understanding", "Speaking", "Reading", "Writing", "Assessment", "Culture".

Level 2 includes, in addition to this student's book:

  • a teacher's book
  • a reading-writing notebook
  • a professional integration notebook
  • a Culture and citizenship notebook
  • collective audio CDs.