Travailler en français en entreprise A1/A2 – Livre + CD audio-rom

Publisher: Didier

ISBN: 9782278061037

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Rs. 2,470.00 Rs. 2,495.00 2,470.00
  • Author :  Bernard gillmann
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9782278061037
  • Level : Lower Intermediate
  • Language : French
  • Market : Adolescent/Adult
  • Pages : 159
  • Publisher : Didier       
  • Publishing Date : February,2007
  • Series : Travailler en français en entreprise
  • Subject : French
  • Weight : 415 gm


A method to understand, from the beginner level, the language of the company.

. The choice of the action-oriented methodology for effective and structured learning.

. Systematic scenarios favoring acquisition.

This method of French on specific objectives includes 10 units that address a wide range of topics. The student's book includes an audio-rom CD including recordings and self-correcting systematization activities.

Structure of a unit
. Establishment of contact: situation.
. Vocabulary: work by lexical field.
. Reading: training in reading comprehension from a document.
. Language point: structuring of the language.
. Listening: training in oral comprehension from a document.
. Ranges: systematization activities and role plays with a list of expressions to know.
. Case studies: simulation and realization of a task.
. Assessment: evaluation.
At the end of the book : written production models, a grammatical summary, a plurilingual thematic lexicon, etc.