Un coeur simple Larousse

Publisher: Larousse

ISBN: 9782035874016

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Rs. 400.00 Rs. 430.00 400.00

Product Details

    • Author : Gustave Flaubert
    • Binding : Paperback
    • ISBN-13 : 9782035874016
    • Language : French
    • Market : Adolescent/Adult
    • Level : Fluent/native speakers
    • Pages: 96
    • Publisher : Larousse
    • Publishing Date : February 06, 2013
    • Series : Un coeur simple
    • Size : 125 x 180 mm
    • Subject : French
    • Weight : 110 gm

    About The Book

    'The story of Un cœur simple is quite simply the story of an obscure life, that of a poor country girl, devout but mystical, devoted without exaltation and tender as fresh bread. She loves successively a man, the children of her mistress, a nephew, an old man whom she takes care of, then her parrot; when the parrot is dead, she has it stuffed and, dying in her turn, confuses the parrot with the Holy Spirit. This is by no means ironic as you suppose, but on the contrary very serious and very sad. "(Flaubert)