Wonders In Words

Publisher: Goyal Publishers

ISBN: 9788183071437

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Product Details

      • Author : Maxwell Nurnberg
      • Binding : Paperback
      • ISBN-10 : 8183071430
      • ISBN-13 : 9788183071437
      • Language : English
      • Market : young Learner
      • Pages : 96
      • Publishing Date : May 01,2011
      • Size : 20 x 14 x 4 cm
      • Weight : 90 g

      About The Book 

      If all you know about a word is its spelling and its meaning, you sometimes don't know the half of it. As a matter of fact, you don't know its parents are, who its relatives are, or what pictures may be hidden somewhere within it."

      Do you know how a flower, this sign *, a spaceman and an accident are all related?

      The flower is an aster which is Greek for star. The star-shaped sign is an asterisk. Another name for spaceman is astronaut, literally a sailor among the stars, and an accident is a disaster-something that happens contrary to the "lucky" stars under which you were born.