Zur Orientierung Kursbuch mit Audio-CD Basiswissen Deutschland

Publisher: Hueber

ISBN: 9783190014996

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Rs. 1,900.00 Rs. 1,930.00 1,900.00
  • Author : Ulrike Gaidosch, Christine Müller
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-10 : 319001499X
  • ISBN-13 : 9783190014996
  • Language : German
  • Level : Beginners
  • Market : Adolescent/Adult
  • Pages : 88 
  • Publisher : Hueber Verlag
  • Publishing Date : March 2008
  • Series : Zur Orientierung
  • Size : 15 x 2.2 x 21 cm
  • Subtitle : Textbook with CD
  • Subject : German
  • Weight : 225 g

The course book for orientation (8th edition) provides basic knowledge about politics, history and culture in Germany and is based on the guidelines of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees for orientation courses. It covers the BAMF curriculum with 100 teaching units.

An audio CD with audio texts is enclosed with the course book .

The teacher manual is available as a free PDF download from the textbook service.