Zoom – 1 Livre De L'Élève


ISBN: 9788415620570

Availability:In stock

Rs. 1,999.00 Rs. 2,035.00 1,999.00

Author: Catherine Jonville, Jean-François Moulière, Manuela Ferreira Pinto, Jocelyne Quinson 
ISBN-13: 9788415620570
Language:  FRENCH
Level:  A1.1
Publishing Date: dec,14 2012
Subtitle: TEXTBOOK
Subject: FRENCH


A French course for children from the age of 7 with an emphasis on a task-based learning approach. In each unit, the learner is immersed into the language and culture through the use of colourful illustrations and 8 songs written especially for the course. They are recorded on the audio-CD. Zoom features friendly characters that the children can identify with as well as a cuddly toy to use in the classroom. This course has been tried and tested with children in France, Lebanon, Morocco, the United States, Colombia and Argentina. There is also a separate pack of 7 posters available to buy, for the classroom. Zoom covers grammar, phonetics, cultural information, vocabulary sections, an audio-CD for listening comprehension, games and activities to carry out, and also prepares students to for the DELF Prim'A1. For samples, please click on the individual titles. The series consists of 3 levels.Please click on the links below in order to see videos for Zoom. The presentation of the method:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_-Fz-R93Xk&feature=youtu.bè;