Collection F - Formation En Ligne Et Mooc

Publisher: Hachette

ISBN: 9782014016185

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Rs. 2,230.00 Rs. 2,260.00 2,230.00
    • Author : Francois Mangenot
    • Binding : Paperback
    • ISBN-13 : 9782014016185
    • Language : French
    • Market : Adolescent/Adult
    • Pages: 160
    • Publisher : Hachette
    • Publishing Date : Jan ,2017
    • Series : Teachers Resource Material
    • Subtitle : Collection F
    • Subject : French
    • Weight : 220 G

    General organization of the book:

    Preface by Daniel Peraya
    Chapter 1: Between technocentrism and technophobia
    Chapter 2: Introduction to online training
    Chapter 3: The task-based approach to exploit the Internet
    Chapter 4: Forms of online interactions , communication scenario
    Chapter 5: Online tutoring
    Chapter 6: Online intercultural exchanges in languages
    Chapter 7: Contributions of the social web to language learning
    Chapter 8: The MOOC phenomenon: characterization of the object 
    Chapter 9: MOOC: two case studies 
    Chapter 10: Online training and MOOC: where are we going?

    Objectives and educational approach:

    The dream of online training based on the most efficient digital media, and the most multiplied, seems today accessible. MOOCs, that is to say massive open online courses, to literally translate an increasingly widespread acronym, benefit from a new notoriety, linked to the opening of more and more courses, carried by the most varied institutions.
    The aim of the book, which is aimed at practitioners, is to examine here the possibilities offered by online training, at the service of language learning and more particularly French, as well as the conditions for respect so that this mode of training keeps all its promises. Many training scenarios are presented and analyzed.