Les Loustics 1- A1.1 Livre De L'Élève+Cahier D'Activités+Cd Audio

Publisher: Hachette

ISBN: 9782017053590

Availability:In stock

Rs. 1,460.00 Rs. 1,490.00 1,460.00

Product Details

      • Author : Marianne Capouet / Hugues Denisot
      • Binding : Paperback
      • ISBN-13 : 9782017053590
      • Language : French
      • Level : A1.1
      • Market : Ages 5-7
      • Pages: 80
      • Publisher : Hachette
      • Publishing Date : February 2019
      • Series : Les Loustics
      • Size : 210x285
      • Subtitle : Textbook+Workbook+CD-audio
      • Subject : French
      • Weight : 300 gm

      About The Book 

      This book contains the first part of the Loustics A1.1 student book and its activity book.

      Loustics 1   (A1.1)   is a method  rich in visual and sound documents . The method offers  an action-oriented and creative approach , based on play to  give the child the pleasure and taste for learning .